Chapter 8 - Flush The Past, Khushi! FF: Fashion Sweetheart & Playboy At Heart

P.S: Play the youtube video while reading. Some technical issues, can't upload the mp3 music! 

Chapter 8 ' Flush The Past, Khushi!
ASR: I'll protect you!.. As always.. I promise!
As Khushi stares into his sincere eyes, a silent tear fell down her cheeks. Khushi was lost into his eyes. It felt so honest, so true.. His eyes were speaking promises, she wanted to believe him.. to trust him! She was tired. Tired of running away, tired of fighting alone.. She felt like breaking into his arms. She needed comfort. ASR read her eyes, he couldn't bear to see Khushi killing herself from inside. He could see how she was suffering. He wanted to protect her, to stand by her. He wished Khushi hold his hands again and trust him again. He promised to himself once she holds his hands, he'll take her away of all pains. Her tears were driving him mad. He finally got out of the car and walked to her side. Khushi's teary eyes followed his steps as he reached closer to her. As he looked into her painful eyes, he lifted his hands and wiped off her tears. Khushi was so stirred up in her emotions that she stayed still. ASR suddenly cupped her face.. his face reflecting all her pains.
ASR: Don't run away Khushi! You are way to strong!
He leaned until his forehead touched hers. He wanted to make her feel better.. He comforted her.. Few seconds later, when khushi realized their position, she stepped back violently. Embarrassed and confused, she walked away to her car. Without another glance to ASR, she got into her car and drove off the parking. For long hours, she drove crazily unaware where the road is driving her to. She tried hard to get hold of herself. The closed and lonely shell she's been living in since long was breaking and she didn't want that to happen. She felt lost.. it was all confusing. As she finally stopped the car in a deserted area, she closed her eyes leaning her head back. Her worst memories flashing again and again in front of her eyes. She thought about her life, her responsibilities towards her work.. Anshu, The wedding, India, The words of Arnav..
ASR: Khushi! Watch out!
ASR: Khushi I promise baby I'll always be here for you. As from now no more tears. I want to see you smile and laugh.
ASR: I'll protect you!... As always.. I promise!,
ASR: Get out of here Khushi!
Khushi: You are disgusting. You didn't care how I would feel. You care only about yourself, your own ego. I'm nothing to you, not even your so called friend! I started to...
Khushi: Don't touch me! I hate you ASR. I thought you were different.. I hate you.
Flashbacks end
Suddenly she got back to reality. Her cheeks were wet. She wiped off her tears.
Khushi thinks: No! I'll fight, I have to fight! My tears had stop long back.. and I won't let it flow again, Never!
She pushed down the accelerator and drove to her house. She parked the car and got out, unaware of the pair of eyes following her from far away. Reassured that Khushi reached safely, ASR reversed the car and took the way of his mansion. Khushi entered her house and went to her room. She placed her laptop case on the bed and was off for a shower. Wearing a peignoir, she walked out of the bathroom and went to the wardrobe. She opened the wardrobe and while searching for her clothes suddenly her eyes fell on a red box. Since years, this box was on the same shelves but she never touched it. But today, she couldn't stop herself. She took out the box. As she opened it, she remembered arnav's look mesmerized by the red dress as she got of the taxi' This feeling when he came so close as he tied the necklace. Khushi felt strange touching the same dress and necklace again after so many years.. after so many things happened which destroyed everything.
Khushi thinks: Why.. why? I got over it since long.. Why I'm thinking about it again?
Her thoughts broke off when suddenly her mobile rang. She closed the box and placed it back into the wardrobe. She then grabbed her mobile and answered the call.
Khushi: Yeah Payal!
Payal: Miss Gupta, Sorry to disturb you, actually I got a call from J K Finance, they wanted to confirm if you will go for the trip to India?
As Payal was talking, Khushi got lost in her thoughts.
Payal: Hello, Miss Gupta, are you there?
Khushi: Yes I'm listening! tell them I'm coming and be ready you are also coming with me!
On the other side of the town, another mobile was ringing. As a voice answered the call'.
Voice: Hello!
J K: Be ready, I want you to go with my son in law and anshika to India, in case they might need any help. Am I clear Mr Singhania?
Karan Singhania with his wicked smile: Yes Sir!
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