Chapter 7 - To go or Not to go
As Anshu jumped in excitement, India echoed in the ears of Khushi. Lost in her thoughts, Khushi was far away from reality. She was going through her disturbing past again and again. India? She left her country promising to herself never to look back again. She cannot imagine facing that truth again.. she was not ready to go to the place which took her everything.. the place where she became an orphan again and again. Her tears threatening to fall at any moment, she felt her restless heart sink into a turmoil. But she is Khushi Gupta, and she cannot break down so easily, she can't let that happen.. She won't let her past wounds swamped her present! She choked back her tears as she tries to cover up her anxiety, her wounds, her aching heart.. The Diva, the great business woman might be expert in hiding her feelings, but how would she hide her inner feelings to ASR, her once upon a time friend. She might try as much as she can, but after Yash Uncle, ASR has been the only one to read her face like an open book. Feeling his gaze on her, she lifted her eyes and instantly met with his tensed and concerned eyes. They both stared into each other as no words matter.
ASR thinks: I'm here Khushi! Forever!
Khushi thinks: Why? Why do I feel that you will be here like you used to be before, why do I feel that I need you? Why am I feeling so weak?
When she suddenly heard Yuvi's voice, she turned her look away from ASR.
Yuvi: So it's confirm, we are going to India?
Anshu: Of course we are going! it's going to be fun. I'm calling dad right now.
Anshu was so excited. India has always been one of her favorite place. She is a die-hard fan of Bollywood songs and movies. As she picked up her mobile to call her dad, her happiness cut shorted when Khushi interrupted her. In an hesitant voice..
Khushi: Actually I'm not sure if I can go.. but if Mr Raizada is going he can brief me about the trip afterwards!
Anshu: Oh no Khushi, you are also going with us, and that's final!
Khushi: I'm so sorry anshu but got some responsibilities here.. and..
Anshu was very sad and she kept on insisting like a child.
Anshu: Fine! If you are not going, I'm also not going!
Khushi looked at Yuvi with pleading eyes and he understood that he had to intervene. He held Anshu's hands and tried to convince her in his own way. Yuvi had always been the responsible one and he knew how to take over the childish behavior of his girl.
Yuvi: Baby it's ok if Khushi can't come, she might be busy! We can't fall upon her completely. She was nice enough to spare time for us..
Anshu had a sad look on her face and with one move Yuvi lifted anshu's chin and he looked into her with a mischievous smile.
Yuvi: On the other side, if you don't come, you can stay with Khushi and we'll keep you both updated! And that might be great for me too.. Think about it, my bachelor party in India!
As anger took over, Anshu's sadness disappeared. She was irritated with Yuvi's words.
Anshu: No ways, I'm not letting you go without me. Let's just forget about the trip, we'll work out something here itself.
Khushi felt guilty as Anshu was willing to back off just because of her. She got up from her seat and sat next to Anshu in the hope to persuade her not to cancel the trip. She knew this trip was important, and India was the best place if they wanted to improve their designs in a more indian style. Anshu looked away as Khushi tried to talk to her.
Khushi: Anshu please.. look at me! Please.. Anshu, atleast think about your wedding!
Anshu turned to her and instantly Khushi realized that Anshu felt really bad that she refused to go with them. Unknowingly she felt very attached to Anshu.. She was that innocent happy soul who had no idea of the terrible pains people has to go through in life. Since long Khushi had been carrying out that harsh and strict behavior. She never cared about the impact she had on people around her. She never cared if her words were so hurtful on some people. But she didn't want the wedding of Anshu to lack of anything because of her own nightmares.. Atleast someone should have a happy ending in life.
Khushi: Anshu try to understand.. I can't come but I'll stay in contact with you.. Yuvi had a brilliant idea.. And Mr Raizada will also be with you, if you all go to India, this will really help in our designs! And as I noticed you like India a lot and that would be sad if you miss that chance, Right?
As Khushi finally convinced Anshu with her soft words, Yuvi was stunned that Khushi was more convincing than him and it takes a lot to handle his Anshu.
Yuvi: That's great news then, I'll make the arrangement for the private jet and Khushi I think you can send your P.A with us. She'll keep you inform and she might also be of help as she knew how you work and all' We are leaving tomorrow night.
Khushi nodded but she was aware of ASR still staring at her. At the moment, ASR could do anything so that Khushi comes with them. He didn't want to lose any chance to be in her company. He knew if he wants his best friend back, as painful it could be Khushi had to face her past again and even if that means to go back to India. But this time, he'll be with her as her own shield.
Yuvi: Arnav.. Arnav!
ASR took off his eyes from Khushi when he suddenly heard a voice calling him several times. However Yuvi smirked as he noticed the waves between Khushi and ASR.
ASR: Yeah you were saying something
Yuvi: Yeah! I was thinking, you can also bring your P.A, he could be of help.. we have so much to do in one week!
ASR: Yeah that's a great idea, my manager will accompany us.
As they wrapped up with the meeting, they were leaving the office when Yuvi and Anshu invited Khushi and ASR for lunch. They went to the nearby casual fast food. Yuvi sat next to his anshu and Khushi had no choice other than to sit next to ASR. Anshu was the most talkative as usual. Whilst yuvi went to the counter to order some snacks, the trio already had their drinks in hand. Anshu talked about her great fairytale love story. She told them everything from their first meeting to their engagement. Khushi smiled to her continuous talking when suddenly Anshu asked her about her love story. Shocked with her sudden question, Khushi looked at ASR and she got so embarrassed that she starts stammering. Anshu realized that she was asking too much. After all everyone is not as chirpy and talkative as her. Inwardly, ASR was having fun to see khushi speechless. Else she's always ready to fight. Anshu turned away from the topic to avoid Khushi feeling awkward. She grumbled in irritation as Yuvi was taking long to come back. She finally decided to go to him and left ASR and Khushi together. Left alone with him, ASR could feel how nervous Khushi was. Accidentally his hands brush Khushi's arms. Suddenly she was shocked when she felt the touch of ASR and she got carried away furiously.
Khushi: What the hell do you think you are doing Mr Raizada?
ASR smirk and his evil smile drove Khushi angrier.
ASR: Now what have I done? And he muttered..Drama Queen
He sees Khushi fuming in anger and before it gets worst he tried to cool her down.
ASR: Ok ok.. Relax Khush! First of all, stop calling me Mr Raizada.. As I said the people I like may call me Arnav! And secondly, you need to understand that we are going to work together! So please let's say peace.
..and he handed out his hands to her.
Khushi: Oh don't try to act so innocent! It's not going work with me.. I know you too well.. Don't try to be cozy with me! I just want to finish off with this contract and then never going to see your face again.
With a blank look, ASR listened to her outburst quietly. Suddenly an idea struck him and he looks into Khushi's eyes purposely. With anger on his face, his fists clenched, ASR banged the table.
ASR: Look Miss Khushi Gupta, It's supposed to be a team work, so it won't be any good to the contract if you back off from the trip just because in some way I'm affecting you' Keep up your personal life away from the professional work Lady!
And it hit the bull's eye. Khushi was enraged.
Khushi: Listen Raizada, your presence makes no difference to me!
ASR smirks and in a sarcastic tone..
ASR: Really! Then prove it!
Khushi looked at ASR angrily when she heard Anshu and Yuvi coming back to the table arguing about some matters. ASR took off his attention from Khushi and looked at the fighting couple.
ASR: Hey guys, any problem?
Anshu pouted and nodded.
Anshu: Arnav, this guy is impossible.. It's my wedding and he's not even letting me decide where I want to go for honeymoon.
ASR smiled while Khushi was still in her moody mode.
Yuvi: Hello Future Mrs Raichand, let me remind you it's also my wedding
Khushi was already in a bad mood because of ASR and now the fights of these two love birds was really irritating her. As the couple got back into an argument like fighting children, Khushi had more than enough and she finally interrupts them.
Khushi: Guys, it's quite late, I got to go!
Anshu: but your car is at the mansion. How can you go?
Khushi smiled to her baby voice.
Khushi: Its ok anshu, I'll grab a taxi, it's not that far.
Yuvi: No need Khushi, you can take the car of Anshu, I'll drive her back.
As Khushi nodded in affirmation, ASR jumped on the opportunity.
ASR: I think I should also go, my car is at the mansion.
He looked at Khushi who just gave him a blank expression. Khushi was annoyed but she preferred to ignore him. She knew arguing won't get her to anywhere. Anshu handed the keys to ASR and they both got to the car. The drive back to the mansion was silent. The events of the day had really affected her and ASR could feel her distress. He wanted to support her but Khushi will not open up to him so soon. Khushi was completely lost in her past. Her mother's death, her father's betrayal, the death of uncle, malaika, aunty, their hate towards her..
Khushi was getting ready to go.. She had her flight in few hours! Before leaving the house, eyes full of tears, she went to her aunty! Her uncle always told her that she should never forget to start a new journey with the blessings of the elders. As she bent down, her aunty moved back angrily.
Aunty: Don't!.. You don't deserve to be blessed Khushi! You are a curse which fell upon my family. I'm glad you took the decision to go away. I was bounded by my husband's words, that's the reason I kept you for so long. Don't ever show me your face again!
Flashback End
When the car suddenly came to an halt, Khushi got back to reality. Without a look at ASR, she opened the door and as she got out of the car, ASR called her.
ASR: Khushi!
She turned to him while ASR in a serious stern looked in front. Suddenly ASR turned to her and their eyes met.
ASR: I'll protect you!.. As always.. I promise!
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