Chapter 5 D - The Disaster From The Past
ASR convinced Khushi to go to the party the next day. This made khushi quite nervous. It was a kind of prom night. she felt happy as The ASR wanted to go with her than with the many girls who's dreaming to accompany him. So what if she was just going as his friend, she was the lucky girl tonight in a special way. On this occasion, ASR offered Khushi a beautiful dress to wear on that party night. ASR has always been offering many gifts to his girlfriends but never he gifted a dress designed by the ASR himself. He firstly hesitated in case Khushi might not like such special treatments from him, but he couldn't stop himself. That dress seemed to be made for only Khushi and his design would be incomplete without khushi wearing it.
7 p.m at fashion studio
Khushi was late as usual. ASR has been waiting for the past 15 minutes at the entrance of fashion studio. He was wearing a black suit and all girls passing by were almost fainting. He was just perfect. Too handsome to handle. The girls wondered who would be the lucky girl. Even the ladies who were the judges were impressed by his appearance. Infact When one of the judges, Miss Tanya Jaiswal, saw him standing alone at the door, she came to him and complimented him.

After some time, a taxi parked in front of fashion studio. Without seeing khushi, he knew she was here. At the moment he thought he was crazy, it could be anyone. But slowly he moved towards the car. As soon as the door opened and khushi got out of the car,time freezed.

She was breathtakingly gorgeous. ASR was frozen, speechless. Khushi has been standing in front of him since few seconds now but he was too lost in her beauty that he could realise how shy she was feeling at the way he was gazing at her.
ASR thinks: Wow!! She is the most beautiful girl i ever saw. Her beautiful heart reflects on the outside. Good choice ASR!
Khushi thinks: What's wrong with you khushi, why you having such strange feelings? Remember he is ASR. So what if he's so hot, handsome, sexy.. oh god he smells so
nice! Stop it khushi! He is just your friend!
Khushi came closer to ASR. With a wicked smile she brought her hands to his arms and pinched him hardly.
ASR: Ouch! What's wrong with you khush, this hurts!
Khushi: ANd what's wrong with you raizada, I'v been standing here for long, its time you get back your senses!
Khushi giggles at his expression.
ASR: Now it's my fault if you looking so gorgeous. For some moment i felt like the prince and you the new modernised cinderella! Please assure me you'll not disappear at midnight, right?
Khushi gave him an awkward look.
Khushi: Please ASR spare me the pick up lines you used on all your girls. I'm already nervous to face everyone in the party. It's first time I'm wearing such dress.
ASR was amused by her nervousness. He knew khushi hated such parties but she couldn't deny his offer. He was happy she accepted. He wanted to spend this last night with his friend. He was worried about the future, When they both will get back to their normal lives after the competition. He wished that Khushi would continue to smile even when he's not around. He never asked her about her painful memories as he preferred to get her to a new pleasant life than to let her rewind her past.
Khushi: ASR let's go inside, its getting colder here.
ASR gets back to reality. Khushi started moving to the door when ASR held her hands.
ASR: Wait!
Khushi looked at him blankly.
Khushi: What happen?
ASR: Something is missing! CLose your eyes.
Khushi closed her eyes uncertainly. ASR made her turn her back to him. He got his hands to his pockets and took out the most beautiful necklace. He came closer to her.
Khushi could feel his breath on her skin. ASR made her wear the gorgeous necklace.
ASR: Now you can open your eyes!
Khushi was amazed by the beauty of the necklace but she knew she couldn't accept it.
Khushi: Its beautiful ASR. But... i can't accept this. That's too expensive and beyond friendship and you know that.
ASR: Oh come on khushi... Not again! Can't a friend give another friend a gift?
Khushi: ASR try to understand, i can't...
ASR: No way khushi, don't be childish! I bought this necklace for you, And you are so going to wear it even if i have to force you.
Khushi looked at ASR angrily. ASR realised that he talked too much than required.
ASR: Ok I'm sorry khushi, maybe you are right! But.. I already bought it! So can you atleast wear it tonight and i promise i'll take it back.
Khushi hesitated but ASR knew how to get what he wants.
Khushi: Ok! But only tonight. Shall we go now?
ASR happily smiled at her.
ASR: Khushi!
Khushi lifted her eyes to the caramel eyes admiring her.
ASR: Thank you!
Khushi: For wearing the necklace? Told you only for tonight!
ASR nods his head negatively.
ASR: No! To do the honors to my designed dress. You look ravishing khushi.
Hearing the words of ASR, Khushi felt tears forming in her eyes. She was happy. She felt such an emotional blow. She wanted this moment to stop. She was tired running away. She wanted to live. She was happy. She felt beautiful.
ASR: Oh no, emotional fool! If I knew you would teared up, I would never praised you. I'm warning you khushi I'm not entering that party with you if your make up is ruined. Atleast you should consider my reputation.
Khushi amused by his attitude couldn't stop her smile.
ASR offered khushi his arms.
ASR: Shall we Miss Gupta?
Khushi happily took his arm and they both walk through the door. As they entered the ball room, every eyes were only for khushi. Malaika who was standing next to Miss Tanya
Jaiwal was dumbstruck. She was fuming. She hated that Khushi got so much attention, especially from ASR. For some time, ASR left Khushi's side to get some drinks.
On his way, he met some friends and they talked. Occasionally, he looked at Khushi to assure if she was fine. When he got away from the guys, he couldn't see Khushi.
He swept the room until his eyes fell on her. She was smiling. She was laughing. She was radiating happiness. Smirking ASR was walking towards her when suddenly he
felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back to find a drunk Malaika staring at him.
ASR: You need something Malaika?
Malaika: Yes Handsome, I need you!
Malaika came closer to ASR.
Malaika: Please ASR take me! I want you!
ASR was disgusted.
ASR: You are drunk, just get lost!
At the moment, Khushi came to ASR. She was shocked to find Malaika in such a state.
Malaika: Get Lost, you telling me to get lost?
Khushi: You ok Malaika?
Malaika was loosing control. And now everyone present were enjoying the scene.
Malaika: Oh you shut up khushi. Little Bitch! What do you think? Just because you managed to woo ASR, you think he likes you. Wrong baby! You just a kill-time for him. No one loves you khushi. And that's better, anyone who loves you ends up dying.
Khushi was unable to hold her tears. ASR who saw all this was angry. His fury was driving him insane. Khushi's tears was hurting him a lot. It was time for him to intervene. He came to Malaika and gave her a hard slap. Everyone was shocked. They all know the cool fun loving ASR but they never saw an enraged ASR before. Khushi was shocked and disturbed. Suddenly, all her feelings and emotions that she has been chocking back for so long was coming back to her. ASR turned back and found khushi running away from the ball room. He shouted her name running after her.
ASR: Khushi! Khushi, Wait!
Khushi, holding her dress, she was running madly to nowhere. She couln't hear ASR, she had no idea where she is going. She only knew that she needed to get out of this place. She was already out of the parking of fashion studio. She kept on running unaware where she was. ASR who almost reached her panicked as he saw a car speeding towards khushi.
ASR: Khushi! Watch out!
Khushi's vision gets blurry with the car's headlights. At the moment, terrified, she was paralysed to the floor when she felt a hand pulling her.
ASR: Are you crazy Khushi? Have you lost it?
ASR was so infuriated that he lost all control. He was scared. All he could remember was the speeding car and khushi. At that time he felt like loosing his life. And then when he looked at Khushi's teary eyes, he felt guilty. He knew khushi was going through a lot of emotions and his outburst was not helping. ASR held her face.
ASR: I'm so sorry khushi, I shouted at you.
ASR took her in his embrace.
ASR: I was so scared baby!
Khushi hug ASR tightly. She was crying her eyes out. ASR let it go. He knew she had to cry. Khushi felt so relieved in his arms. After some time, she realised that she's been hugging him for so long. She felt embarrassed due to the position they were. Slowly she moved away from ASR.
ASR: Hey are you ok khushi?
Khushi: I'm fine.. I'm sorry, I broke down in front of you.
ASR: Hey don't be, Afterfall what are friends for! But please don't do that again, you really gave me a scare. And never ever again listen to what that bitch malaika says. ok?
Khushi: Malaika was right! I'm bad luck for my loved ones! I think you should keep away from me arnav!
ASR looked at Khushi, she never called him arnav before. And from her tone, she seemed to be serious.
ASR: Please Khushi don't do this, don't tell me you believe that stupid girl. She was drunk and jealous of you.
Khushi: I believe her.
ASR: Yeah right, good for you! Now come on lets go!
ASR held her hands and started walking when khushi stay rooted to the floor. She remembered all what MAlaika said to her. Everything was true.
Khushi: ASR! just let go of my hands! I'm not coming with you.
Now ASR was irritated with Khushi's behaviour and he was getting angry.
ASR: Stop behaving like a child Khushi, why do you have to listen to a drunk girl?
And Khushi burst out loud.
Khushi: Because I killed her father.
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